The printing paper is always out when you need it most, recognizable? For example, when you have just added a large print job to the printer and you realize halfway through that the paper has run out. Very frustrating, especially when you have to look for new printing paper afterwards. You do a quick search on Office Deals and you come across hundreds of types of printing paper, but which printing paper do you actually need?
In order to choose the right printing paper , it is important to take a ream of paper. Printing paper generally has three characteristics that are typical of any type of printing paper.
Three Characteristics of Ream Paper
The weight of ream paper
The weight of printing paper mainly determines the thickness of the printing paper. The thickness of printing paper is expressed in grams. But these grammage weights are still quite difficult. When you see ’80 grams A4 paper’, this does not mean that one A4 paper weighs 80 grams. That’s a bit heavy, isn’t it? The weight of paper is always expressed in grams based on A0 size. So one sheet of A4 paper does not weigh 80 grams, but only 5 grams.
The weight of printing paper mainly affects the transparency of the paper. Thin paper often shines through more, giving the paper a cheaper feel. For professional expressions, it is therefore better to opt for thick printing paper.
The brightness of ream paper
The clarity of paper is actually: how white is the paper. Cheap paper usually has a low brightness, which means that the contrast between the ink and the paper is lower. This will make the white appear off-white and the ink will appear less black. High-quality paper often has a higher degree of whiteness, so that your prints are razor-sharp.
Paper clarity is expressed in CIE. This is an encoding that increases as the brightness increases. Standard paper has a brightness of CIE150. This is basic quality paper, which is sufficient for printing everyday documents.
The smoothness of paper
The smoothness of paper is the least important characteristic when choosing printing paper. Smoothness used to range from rough to very smooth, affecting print quality. However, nowadays all printing paper for inkjet or laser printers is smooth, so the difference is minimal. Rough paper is more suitable for handwritten notes.
Which printing paper is best to use?
The choice of printing paper depends on the occasion for which the paper is used. If you use a lot of print and/or paper on a daily basis, it is better to choose cheap printing paper. Documents that are printed daily often do not have a high quality requirement, so you can save money on the printing paper.
Important documents, on the other hand, are better printed on high-quality paper. A just closed deal with a new customer; a printout of an annual report or a quote? You naturally want to deliver these documents neatly and professionally. By choosing laser paper , you are choosing paper that is acid-free. This ensures that pages remain really white in the long run.
Are you looking for reams of affordable, quality photocopy paper?
Read here … If you consume a large amount of paper every day to photocopy or print documents, you know very well that saving on reams of white paper will allow you to considerably amortize the costs associated with stationery in your office or company. Choosing a good quality photocopy paper, and at the same time having a low cost, is therefore a decision that affects the company budget and, therefore, should not be taken lightly but must instead be rightly weighted. LoveOffice is a site with a huge assortment of reams of paper at a price that is difficult to find both online and offline. Here you can buy cheap photocopy paper in all sizes, weights and colors on the market, but not only.